Monday, January 29, 2007

My Goals for 2007

I decided I need some goals to help guide me this year. My first one is to get a "real" website up and running (instead of the free sites I'm using now). Well, it's not as easy as it sounds. I've attended several seminars and hopefully will get it going soon. Cross your fingers for me! My second goal is to write the background stories for each of my paintings. I'll post them here so you can check them out before they get published to the website. I would love to read your comments about them too. That would actually help in my third goal...writing the ultimate "Artist Statement". I attended a wonderful teleseminar that was organized by Ariane Goodwin. She got 12 wonderful speakers together to teach about the "art" of selling, organizing and promoting your work. Boy, do I have a lot to work on! The artist statement will be a difficult one, but one that you can help me with. As I stated before, please send me your comments about my art, either the paintings I'll be posting here or on the current website. I'd love to read them and as further incentive to write me, I'll send you a free gift if you respond with your thoughts and your snail mail address to I look forward to hearing from you!

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