Friday, March 23, 2007

March Exhibitions part 2: Miami University-Middletown

Starting March 24th, three of my paintings will be featured at:

40th Anniversary Alumni Art Exhibition

Shown at two separate venues:

Middletown Arts Center
March 24rd-Apirl 6th
130 North Verity Parkway
Middletown, OH

Miami University Middletown’s New Campus & Community Center & Gardner-Harvey Library
April 9th-April 15th
4200 East University Boulevard
Middletown, OH

One of the paintings being shown is:

Neon Tulips
Original Watercolor Painting
12" x 18"

I received these tulips out of the blue from my husband. I was feeling blue that day, and he decided to surprise me with this wonderful bouquet. Of course I had to preserve it for all time.

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