Sunday, May 6, 2007

May Happenings

There has been a lot going on around here. First my exhibitions:

I'm currently showing at the following locations-

Middletown Arts Center's Spring Fling
Apirl 20th-May10th
130 North Verity Parkway
Middletown, OH
For additional information: 513-424-2417

(Yes, they were so impressed with the Miami University show that they asked me back!)

Hurricane Alley Art Look
May 1st-May 31st
Wright-Dunbar Village
1100 Block next door to Pri-Med building
West Third Street
Dayton, OH

Epiphany Gallery
May 1st-May 31
South Park United Methodist Church
Stonehill and Brown Streets
Dayton, OH
Hours: M-F 8:30a-4:30p, Sundays 9a-1p
For additional information: 937-293-4640

The Dayton Philharmonic Volunteer Association's Designers Show House & Gardens XV
May 6th-May 25th
The Patterson-Haurer Estate
2358 Adirondack Trail
Kettering, OH
Hours: T, W, F, Sa-11a-4p, Th 11a-8p, Su 12p-4p

(Here you can purchase my handicrafts...hurry, because once they're gone, they're gone! I won' t be making these gems anymore!)

I'm also working on my official website. Stay tuned for the launch!

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